The Evolution of a Login/Registration Experience

Streamlining Login and Registration

When you’re in the process of accomplishing a certain task online, signing up or logging in is the last thing on your mind, but nonetheless a necessary barrier before having access to certain features. How could we make the sign up and the login process as quick and seamless as possible, so users can focus on the task at hand.

My contribution: discovery, user research,  interaction design, interface design, testing

The Problem

Because the product has different types of users (guests, tenants and property managers), each of them had a different page to login or sign up, which was a source of unnecessary complications and confusion. Our vision was a seamless, unified and easy-to-use login and sign up process which gets out of the way when it comes to the process of looking for an apartment. 


An extensive study on login and registration methods showed us that our current solution is subpar and in need of urgent rework. This caused many users not just to abandon the registration or login process, but leave the site altogether, as they were unable to accomplish their goals.This meant that our property managers were losing out on potential tenants. 

To better understand user needs and behaviours, we conducted user research through surveys and interviews. We asked users about their experience with the current user flow, what they found frustrating, and what improvements they would like to see.


Not only was this project important because it solved a major hurdle in onboarding new users as well as keeping existing ones, but it also added tremendous value to the business and our customers. We saw a quick and seamless login/registration experience as a way of enabling our users to be more efficient in their process of searching for an apartment, without getting sidetracked by unnecessary obstacles, keeping them as well as property managers happy.  


Through several discussions with the development team and taking user feedback into consideration, we have decided to unify the login for all types of users to eliminate confusion. At the same time we’ve added the option of social login to make logging in as seamless as possible, an option that was requested by the majority of our users.


  • users spend almost 2x as much time logged in 

  • abandonment rate at registration dropped by 42%

  • average time spent on site increased by 33%

  • we also saw a 18% percent increase in the average number of contacted properties per user

More by Tamas Olasz

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