Profiles: Adriana Bradanska the Fox.
(Check out the story here: )
Name: Adriana Bradanska
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Height:4ft (normal)-100ft (with brother's stolen powers.)
Weight: Varies.
Species: Moebian fox
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Faction: Order of Moebius (formerly), Order Insurgents.
Occupation: Witch, sorceress, dictator, warlord, Librarian (formerly).
Rank: Baroness (below Grief.)
.Ivan Bradanska the fox (father/deceased.)
.Rose Bradanska the fox (mother/deceased.)
.Grief Bradanska the fox (younger brother.)
.Scylla Bradanska (younger sister.)
.Amanda Bradanska (aunt.)
.Bianca Bradanska (cousin)
.Grau Bradanska (niece)
.Tyrenous Bradanska (nephew.)
Adriana Bradanska the fox is the oldest daughter to Ivan Bradanska the fox and the eldest sibling to both Grief and Scylla Bradanska the fox. She was born a psychic able to levitate and mind control. However, her aunt Amanda taught her witchcraft and the ways of magic from her witch heritage.
Adriana has always been under he shadow of her younger brother, Grief as he was a war hero turned baron of the Order of Moebius. That and she feels her mind control powers are nothing to his size-manipulation powers. Adriana has awaited in the shadows for her moment to take power from her brother and become the "True Baroness" of the Order.
Recently, Adriana has used a wicked spell that allowed her to temporarily swap her powers with her brother's allowing her to grow to colossal size and quite possibly seize control over the Order and her brother by force.
Personality: While Adriana comes off as soft spoken, calm, and dainty. She is much more sinister inside. She can be cold, ruthless, calculated, and lacks empathy. However, Adriana has incredible ambition and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She seems to hold a grudge towards her younger brother Grief, even to go so far as try to overthrow his reign and to use torture against him.
.Mind control
.Magic adeptness
.Growth ("The Big Sister" story arch only.)
.Super strength ("The Big Sister story arch only.)
.Super endurance ("The Big Sister" story arch only.)
.Matter manipulation ("The Big Sister" story arch only.)
.Size-manipulation ("The Big Sister" story arch only.)
.Normally a pushover in melee, can't throw a punch. (But she can kick well.)
.Relies heavily on her powers.
.Overly analytical to a fault due to her autism.
.Can be gullible due to her autism.
.Self-centered and sometimes even childish for a lady in her 30's.
.A target for AA attacks while in the sky.
.A big target (only in "The Big Sister".)
.Vain and prideful.
.Vulnerable to energy weaponry.
.Little kinetic defense, (except turning gigantic in "The Big Sister".)