- Rebranding - Blog

I'm in the process of giving my personal brand a makeover, and I'm really excited about it! One of the biggest changes I'm making is to my blog, which has been getting more and more traffic thanks to all the design tips and newsletters I've been sharing.

I wanted the content on my blog to have a personal touch, like notes I jotted down in Notepad. It's nothing too fancy, but it really helps to convey my personality and brand. Plus, I've made some improvements like adding a smarter filter and pagination to make it easier for readers to navigate the site.

My focus has been on making the content on my blog easier to read and more user-friendly. I've added a newsletter component within the posts to draw more attention to it, and completely revamped the comment section to make it more consistent.

To develop the site, I'm leaning towards using WordPress since it has great CMS features like filters, pagination, and dynamic components that work well with content-heavy sections.

I'm super excited to launch the new site (hope) later this year, and can't wait to share it with you all!


Petr Bilek
Design for users. Work for passion. Live for family.

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