Public Transportation Location Tracker

Thanks to 3-hours challenge from @Dwinawan Hariwijaya and @Iswanto Arif, I finally do my first shoot using Sketch after months. Btw, thank you @Ghani Pradita for the invitation! I know it is too late. Sorry. :))

The idea is not so new since I (am supposed to) only had 3-hours to make it. This was an app named Translocker (Transportation Location Tracker), which is used to detect the closest bus shelter from a certain place. User could define the place based on their position or typing the location by themselves. With this app, user will know where they could get on/off the bus and when the closest bus will come to the shelter.

This design is the upgrade version from my last project when I joined a national competition and my first attempt on UX Analysis back then. Previously I also already made the beta version for Windows Phone. I will upload it next time.

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