Tipsy - Cocktails at your Fingertips

Another warm up for our Product Design class. This week we were asked to make a recipe app - I decided to try something other than food and went with a cocktail recipes app.

Mood Board

I started out as usual by grabbing some designs I liked and picking apart the features I wanted to translate into my own app. I decided that my app needed to have, at a minimum:

  • A photo of the finished cocktail

  • An indication of prep time

  • A clear list of ingredients

  • Step by step instructions

  • Some sort of search or filter function (I didn't have time to mock up screens for this unfortunately)

  • A bookmarking system to save your favourite recipes

Additionally, some features I decided would be nice to have would be:

  • Photos of ingredients

  • Photos for each step - I decided to scrap this idea as most cocktail recipes are relatively straightforward

  • A "recipe of the day" section highlighting a new drink each day


Next, I moved onto low-fidelity wireframes based on the features I wanted to include in my app. As usual, I used Dave Whitley's LoFi Kit for this process. Due to time restrictions, I wasn't able to mock up as much as I would have liked - this is possibly something I will revisit when time allows.

High Fidelity Designs

For my design, I wanted to pick colours that felt "summery" without being too loud. I settled on some muted greens and pinks with a sunny yellow as a highlight.

I wanted to make the app usable without having to flick through multiple screens to find everything you need to make a drink, so the ingredients and instructions are available from a tabbed interface all on the same page. Nothing bugs me more when I'm trying to follow a recipe than reading "add the milk" and then having to scroll waaaaay back up to find out how much milk to use!

Theo Harris
Developer, Designer and Illustrator from Sydney, Australia

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