Avalytics - Brand Teaser

We praise the work teams are up to on Avalanche. In our humble opinion, one of the most promising products is Avalytics, as it may be a hub for everything around NFTs.

We're thrilled to present you with a concept we came up with while exploring the product and its visual potential.

Custom Dashboard

Imaging Avalytics allows users to create custom dashboards from a set of widgets. That will enable them to create a functional yet not overwhelming experience tailored to their specific needs.

Unified Widgets

A system to unify the widgets would be a key as it will seamlessly allow creating new widgets and updating the existing library to roll out new features instantly in a way users got used to.

Collaboration Features

A neat addition to that would be the ability to share the custom dashboard with everyone you want and empower the experience with collaborative and commenting features.


Feed - a new way to track what whales are up to. Simply follow the accounts you'd like, and you'll humanely receive their recent activity. Of course, the content may be enriched via direct platform integrations.

Personal Dashboard

Your dashboard is a place to track your activities and portfolio. Simple, straightforward, and time-saving - that's all users want from it. Watchdog and drop calendar? Also there for users' disposal.


And, of course, since most of the traffic would come from mobile devices, it's essential to make the most out of the device screen size to empower users to do more on the go.

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