Alternative Search Methods - Adjacent Possible

Generic word search in applications makes it super hard to find something you vaguely remember. Depicted below are 4 different types of searches that a user could use to find content that seems hard to find.

Fuzzy (When you roughly know the shape of the word)

Word Family (When you know the exact word but is not sure what form it is in)

Phonetic (When you roughly know what the sound of the word is. This is particularly useful for video/audio transcripts)

Synonyms (When you know what the meaning of the word is)

I have only visualized 4 potential types that I repeatedly find myself wanting, there are a lot more one could use: regex, wildcards, antonyms (when what you are looking for is defined by its antonym: 'hot' as 'not cold'), grammatical structures, etc. And with LLMs in vogue, there must be potential for that too.

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