Facilitator Plugin for FigJam

As a facilitator, there's nothing more exciting than successfully leading a large group through a productive feedback session. But as you may know, it's not always easy to manage this process.

That's why I'm thrilled to announce 'Facilitator' a new plugin for FigJam that helps you facilitate large groups of feedback more effectively. This tool was specifically designed to address the challenges that arise when working with groups over five, making it easier to keep track of who contributed and to hand off facilitation duties seamlessly should someone else need to step in.

Here are the core features:

  1. Collaborator Contribution List: Collaborators will be shown in the contribution list once they place a sticky note.

  2. Counter Update: The counter on the right will update based on the number of stickies placed by the collaborators.

  3. Display Order: Collaborators will be displayed in the order they submit their stickies.

  4. Move to Reviewed Section: When the user clicks the check to the left, the collaborator will move from the Contributors section to the Reviewed section.

By simplifying the process and making it easier to manage large groups, I hope to help more teams achieve success in their feedback sessions. It's currently in the final build stages and should be available in the Figma Community soon!

More by Harrison Wheeler

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