Poetic designs for texts (constantly updating)
Hassan Oubrahim, is a writer from the new generation of writers who write in Morocco in the ancient Amazigh language. And since he is a friend on Facebook and I constantly read his short texts, I once thought - as I was reading one of those texts - of some way to express my admiration for the text more than just clicking on one of the like buttons.
The small text was in the tongue of a girl describing to her lover the impact of his message when she received it from him, and how she traveled with it on a journey of delicious memories. In this context, the foot seemed to me a romantic form suitable for depicting this dreams journey.
The Amazigh writer Hassan Oubrahim wrote a short story titled: titibirin tiḥṛḍaḍ meaning naked girls.
Usually it is the text itself that dictates the appropriate form of its design; Accordingly, I usually read the text first, and then I let him lead me to the appropriate art form.
But what happened here was the opposite. At first, I had a vague desire to draw legs (!) and only then did I think of a suitable text.
Fortunately, I quickly found the appropriate text among my friend's texts, whose writings I was constantly following.
On the ninth of January of each year, the memory of the famous Amazigh singer Mbark ul3arbi, or nicknamed NBA, is celebrated.
On my last memory, I was away from social media for most of the day; But as soon as I opened my account in the evening, I saw the inspiring torrent of posts flowing through Facebook about this sad memory among lovers of Amazigh culture.Most of them were pictures from the Internet, accompanied by some words of lamentation, or were just a sharing of some of his songs. So I thought I'd take one of his famous songs and make something poetic. Thus, despite the pressure of time, I designed this beautiful shape in the artwork, although it is commonly used in such occasions.
When I shared it on my social account, the guitar of (NBA) was amazing, when he sang the words of his most famous song: grad grad ifassen.
This is a flaming love letter, beginning with the Amazigh word: ar k ttiriH, which means I love you, then the rest of the text comes with passionate, romantic French sentences.
As is evident from the drawing, the body of the letter is broken by a violent grip; Words and meanings become distorted, and letters fall off.
The checker of the names of the falling letters will read:
T-A-Y-R-I. And he will know that the word is: TAYRI, which means in Amazigh : love.
The artwork If I wanted to give it a title, I would suggest: The Bleeding of Love.
It is a poetic text that begins with a refrain: achku tgit waz, or because you are wonderful. It is a spiral shape that is consistent with the rhythm, which returns each time to start with the same refrain: achku tgit waz.
However, I don't like this artwork very much haha, because of what happened to me while designing it.
Immediately after completing it, I felt dizzy and had pain in my eyes. The dizziness did not subside until after two full hours of sleep. The pain in the eyes haunted me to the next day, despite taking a whole tablet of paracetamol.
Not to mention the funniest thing; The person for whom I created it originally: the poet Khadija Elhamday (and we are now laughing together about it) surprised me roughly as soon as I posted it on Facebook among friends, and rebuked me for not consulting him before that.
The owner of the words, my friend, the poet, would have liked that I had not revealed that text before the date she was planning. She accused me of revealing her papers prematurely. Forgetting that she herself had read it out loud months ago in one of the Amazigh poetry events. And I, too, personally wrote it for her on Word and prepared it for printing before she went to the evening.
In general, let everyone who has their eyes on this artwork avoid carefully reading its lines, as it may be an unpleasant experience lol ..
In these words, the poet Khadija Lhamday sings of her cruel love, which she likens to fire or to the flames that burn those who receive it.
I thought of a poetic and simple way to depict this in a artwork, and I found that using a burning letter, representing the first letter of the poetess's personal name, would be expressive.
Reading deep thoughts is refreshing for the mind and the soul; So is reading with a cup of tea; Or a paper bag of popcorn (!).
So what if the text itself is this and that together?
wouldn't it be a fun experience lol?
With the death of the Amazigh politician and thinker Ahmed Al-Daghrani, known as (dda Hmad), the commemoration events take place at the end of October of each year, especially among those interested in the Amazigh cause and culture, and among the fans of this great struggling personality.
In this context, and inspired by the last occasion of the year 2022, I designed this symbolic painting, which embodies the familiar (dda Hmad) shape; And I added to it - in the form of a face - an excerpt from one of the beautiful texts, which dealt with an aspect of his great personality.
I designed this artwork with the advent of the last Amazigh year: 2973, which falls in mid-January of each year.
The first goal of the work was to introduce this year, which is still unknown to the world, despite its antiquity. In addition to responding to some of the theses of religious extremists, some of whose theses prohibited the celebration of this occasion.
Translation of the text written on the board:
Like the rest of the countries of North Africa and the world, the Amazighs celebrate the Amazigh New Year, by reviving their different customs and traditions in cooking and clothing, as well as by making sure to confirm their connection to the land, in order to achieve the purpose of this occasion, which is known as “iD yennayr” or “January Night.”» .
Amazigh families in Morocco celebrate “iD yennayer” with festive rituals, and these families are keen to prepare special dinner dishes, which differ according to regions, such as the dish of “Tajella” porridge, which is prepared with barley flour or corn flour, and they decorate it with dry fruits or boiled eggs.
and It is customary for a date kernel to be hidden in the food served on this occasion. Where it is believed that whoever finds it will be lucky throughout the next agricultural year, and they call him “Asa3di n Usggwas,” meaning lucky for this year.
I take advantage of this post to extend my congratulations on this happy occasion of the New Year 2973, parallel to the Gregorian year 2023, wishing everyone the best wishes.