File Manager - Apple Watch

It’s 9pm at night. As V.P. of Product you work long hours. You are dead tired, sitting on your office couch and about 4 gin and tonics into a good one. All of a sudden a haptic message comes in. Your C.E.O., Don Draper, needs last years Keynote featuring your technology report... ASAP. You look at the laptop all the way over on your desk and frown. Instead you pull up your file manager on your Apple Watch and send Don the file. You also know he will lift his eyebrow and make that smirk when he gets it. Some people will think that he is unhappy with that face, but you know that look and it’s one of delight, because his V.P., Jane, just sent him an email with his file and at the bottom it read “Sent from my Apple Watch.”

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