Lawyer Marketplace, website designs case study.

E-Dikigoros Lawyer hiring Platform based in Europe, Initially Germany, Franc and Switzerland! According to client's brief, I started research and Developed these solution.

  • A smooth way off hiring a lawyer.

  • Booking schedule onsite and online.

  • Checking their availability to discuss instant.

Please checkout the Screens below.

Landing page.

When users land on this web page, they will find an overview of the platform.

  • Login or Signup as a Customer or A Lawyer.

  • Overall history makes the platform trustworthy(Review)

  • Search lawyer.

  • Featchur for customers and lawyers.

  • Reviews of clients and lawyers.

All the design was done according to user research.

The smart Search filter.

Search Result page.

Here users should find their desired lawyer even they have control to change search metrics.

Lawyer profile Overview includes -

  • Avatar

  • Name

  • Availability to discuss instantly

  • Address

  • Specialist areas.

  • CTA (for profile detais and Contact)

Lawyer Profile Page.

When the user clicks on the Profile button they will see Details of the lawyer.

Here are 4 parts of the about page.

  • overview of the client

  • about/legal tips.

  • Overall rating details

  • Schedule Meeting

  • For Urgent help available now.

Hi Dribbblers,

I complete this project successfully! If you need any help regarding ux/ui designs I am available to help you.

Get in touch 💬 for Business queries.

Mail :

Skype : live:mdnizamuddin915

WhatsApp: +8801776787395

Telegram: @niizamuddin (+8801776787395)

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