Tesla Landing Page Clone - Plus Added Micro-Interactions!
I'm excited to share my latest UI design work with you - a Tesla landing page clone with added micro-interactions that take the user experience to a whole new level! I've carefully crafted every detail of the design to reflect the sleek, innovative style that Tesla is known for, while adding my own unique touch to create a design that truly stands out.
The landing page features a bold hero section that showcases Tesla's latest vehicle, with an interactive carousel that allows users to explore the cars. I've also added subtle animations throughout the page that brings it to life, from the smooth hover effects on the navigation menu to the dynamic button interactions that make it easy to book a test drive.
Tesla landing page clone prototype with a few added micro-interactions with the CTAs. Link to the prototype- https://www.figma.com/proto/Rxk5JrEh08kn8e0uFKE3Sa/Untitled?node-id=1807-140&scaling=contain&page-id=101%3A4&starting-point-node-id=1807%3A140&show-proto-sidebar=1
Overall, I'm really proud of this Tesla landing page clone with added micro-interactions, and I believe it's the perfect showcase of my UI design skills. Check out my other designs.
#UIDesign #TeslaLandingPage #Microinteractions #UXDesign #UIInspiration #WebDesign #DesignTrends #CarUI #InteractiveDesign #UIAnimation #UIButtons #DesignClone #UIChallenge #CreativeDesign