HERNANI TALLEDO - Dare to Inspire!

My purpose has remained constant since 2019 – to inspire.

As a leader for the past five (5) years, I have made it my mission to motivate those under my supervision, enabling them to realize their full potential and become the best version of themselves. I understand the significance of having a trustworthy leader or someone to look up to and follow, not out of obligation but because of the desire to do so.

This purpose has been instilled in me to the point where I recognized an opportunity to fill the gap between brands and consumers - the absence of inspiring brands.

This realization has led me to the career path that I am currently pursuing as a Logo & Identity Designer. I have spent the past three (3) years honing my skills in branding while simultaneously fulfilling my role in the corporate world.

Symbol of Inspiration

I create symbol of inspiration for brands who dare to inspire.

Inspiring Identity (Strategy)

Defining your brand, obtaining clarity, and uncovering your unique story that revolves around your brand purpose to emotionally connect with your target market and gain customer loyalty. Knowing your shared values and personality and refining your verbal identity that includes your brand’s vision, mission, tagline, and narratives.

Symbol of Inspiration (Logo Design)

Designing your logo that serves as the foundation of your visual identity. Also, it serves as the face of your brand. Therefore, it has to be simple to be easily recognized, unique to stand out from the competition, and memorable to stick in your customers’ minds.

My logo consist of an icon which is a combination of my initials, letters H & T (see negative space), resemble as a Bookmark that signifies “Inspiration”.

​​​​​​​I would love to work with visionary Leaders and Founders who can inspire and motivate their people:

          * to achieve their goals,

          * push boundaries of what is possible, and

          * bring new ideas to life.

I want to be associated with brands that are innovativepioneeringcreativeimaginative, and at the forefront of their industry.

​​​​​​​Having common ground with my ideal clients would make things easier.

Burning Passion

Fueling our journey with a blazing fire of inspiration, motivation, and purpose. Having a burning passion means being driven by a deep-seated belief in our mission and an unwavering commitment to see it through, no matter the obstacles that stand in our way.

Endless Creativity

Unleashing boundless imagination and innovation to solve any challenges. Endless creativity means possessing the ability to think outside the box, see beyond the conventional, and craft unique solutions that meet the specific needs of clients.

Utmost Professionalism

Demonstrating mastery and expertise in our chosen field. Utmost professionalism means possessing a deep understanding of our craft, staying up-to-date on the latest developments and trends, and consistently delivering exceptional results.

Being True to My Core

My logo evolution proves my continuous improvement throughout the past few years.

It takes courage to become an inspiring brand.

​​​​​​My framework is called the DARE Process:


Conducting a discovery session or an interview.

Gathering information about the brand to understand its target market, shared values, and personality.


Doing necessary research and analysis.

Analyzing the market and industry to gain a better understanding of the competitive landscape.


Curating the verbal aspect of the brand.

Refining the brand's verbal identity, including its mission (purpose), vision, tagline, and brand story.


Designing the core visual elements, the symbol of inspiration – the Logo.

Choosing the brand's key visual identity such as colors, typography, and imagery.

Would you take the DARE to become an inspiring brand?

​​​​​​​I envision a future where every brand is a source of inspiration, a beacon of excellence that stands out and shines bright in a sea of sameness. I know that this future cannot be achieved alone, which is why I will be building a team of passionate experts who share my vision.

Through our future branding agency, HereOn™, we will develop brands that not only meet but exceed the demands of tomorrow. From Brand Strategy to Design to Management, we will craft experiences that resonate with customers and drive growth.

With HereOn™ as the starting point, inspiring brands will have a platform to launch their journeys and make their mark in the world. Together, let's create a world where inspiration reigns supreme.

Click here ---> Be Known – Start from HereOn  

Inspiring Colors

These Red & Dark Blue colors evoke my shared values with my ideal clients. Red inspires creativity and passion while Dark Blue exudes professionalism. Maintaining the White to light shades of Greys balances and keeps everything clean.


Oswald is a professional and readable font that still has charm and character. It always maintains a sense of simple sophistication and is best paired with Roboto font.

Source of Inspiration

I bookmark these pages where I could see great works just in case I need some inspiration.

Logo Geek  |  CGH  Johnson Banks  |  Pentagram

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