Brand Identity - Packaging - tan coffee
"Tan" is a modern cafe with minimalism. Catch the inspiration from "stoicism" - Stoicism is a medicine for diseases: anxiety, sadness, fear and many other negative emotions to prevent us from living a happy life. The goal of stoicism is not eliminating emotions from life but eliminating negative emotions. Stoicism does not require us to spend a period of time to "practice stuff". Although we need to ponder our lives, it is generally this time to ponder can be inserted at free time of the day, such as when we are trapped in traffic or - according to Seneca's advice - when we are lying in bed and is about to sleep.
  "Tan" is a Vietnamese word that means soluble or dissolved refers to an impermanent coffee like water, helping us not to think about negative things. We use a single hand drawing line for the entire brand identity system, and in which the logo we get the idea from the water drop before dissolving will have high and low ripples, ... And from there it will return to the inherent peaceful appearance.
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