The Bear NFT Collection - 10k NFT


We are The Bear Collection (TBC).
A cool NFT collection which needed different packages to be released. The first collection was cute pandas to evolve. We needed to be soft, cute, very detailed and in some cases extraordinary. Thanks to ACE we came to existance.

Send us a message if you think we can help with your project, including 3D, 2D, NFT, games, etc. 🤘

We are available for new design project : Work with us

Animated Characters

To attract the community we needed to add some dynamism. The body scale is not meant to be dynamic?!! No worries, our creative animators will alwyas find solutions.


The challenge for every NFT project is to design traits so that they can match with each other without being a mess. Thanks to creative designers, we’re not naked anymore 😄

VIP pieces

These are our super rare friends. Yeah, they look like some famous characters. Maybe they’re wearing costumes. Who knows?!

Send us a message if you think we can help with your project, including 3D, 2D, NFT, games, etc. 🤘

ACE Agency

We are available for new design project :  📩 Work With Us:

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Ace Design
Where Vision Meets Perfection.

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