SpaceCard Mobile & VR UX

SpaceCard® is a Toronto-based startup and multi-year R&D project completed in collaboration with the Federal Government and University Research Labs. Milan has led SpaceCard® development and IP in UX, industrial design, machine vision and optics to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing VR today.

Multi-User collaboration was an important part of the SpaceCard experience and needed to take advantage of as many smartphone modalities as possible to reduce friction. Because SpaceCard is fundamentally a mobile app, it can take advantage of everything like notifications and pop ups. We wanted to make inviting users into shared VR experiences as easy as making a phone call. The user interface for inviting folks was split into two user stories:

a) invite users via notifications

b) share room codes and have users manually join.

Every VR experience took place within a room session. Each session had its own unique room code that could be shared and accessed by other SpaceCard users.

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