EasyList - Checklist, to-do lists and pre saved lists
Hey there!
When it comes to our daily tasks sometimes can be a struggle to remember all the things that you have to do. So what better way to track our tasks than an app?
I imagined this app with a clean UI and intuitive features. Thinking to our daily routine we can take track of usual tasks that when we are busy we risk to forget, like drinking costantly water or measure blood pressure. I called this section 'Your goals', also taking care of how many times per day each task should be done.
I also wanted to make things faster since many of us are often in a hurry - you know what I mean? Writing down each task can take too much time and so an easy way to track them could be to use the Microphone feature! In this way you just need to tap the button and talk, awesome!
I added also another section to save the lists that we use on a regular basis and we don't want to write again all the time. Imagine when you have to do a list for a vacation trip, or when you ahve to travel for work, or simply the list for the grocery store. How many times we need to do these things? In the Lists section I designed a card based layout, really simple, elegant and intuitive.
Hope you loved it! <3
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