Djed iOS Stream Design

One of the challenges with any product that has a large number of different kinds of content (comments, albums, posts, users, etc.) is finding real design cohesion amidst all of the different strengths and weaknesses of any given piece of content.

For the native iOS stream design on Djed (like a Timeline) we've experimented with ways to leverage our card system and a horizontal scroll to cue the importance of this content (It's posted by your immediately family and therefore has much less frequency than a network like Facebook or Twitter). Additionally, this helps us trigger a card zoom upon tap, as opposed to a more awkward transition to a full-screen if we were to start it from a row.

I'll try to post up some of the animations I've designed with Origami and Pixate when I get a chance. That's always the big gap to fill with custom views that use animation to inform the usability of a product.

More by Chris Meeks

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