Nthunzi Travel Agency App

The Product

A mobile app for a global traveling agent "Nthunzi" meaning shelter. Nthunzi travel agency strives to provide users with best recommendations of places to visit within their budget. Nthunzi’s target customers include travelers, workers who lack time to research for places to visit.

The Problem

Travelers and workers lack time to research for places to visit that are within their budget.

The Goal

Design an app for Nthunzi travel Agency that allows users to receive recommendations and book for places to visit that are within their budget.

My role

UX designer designing the app from conception to delivery. 


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, designing mockups and iterating on designs.

User Research


I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I am 

designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research 

was working adults who would like to take time off and travel with family to places within their budget.

The assumption on time was proven to be right but research also revealed that users feel comfortable visiting places where most people are visiting and have good reviews.

Pain points

Time: Working adults don’t have time to search for places to visit.

Budget: Their salary constrains them to finding the best places to visit.

Accessibility: Other travel platforms are not equipped with assistive technologies.

User Journey Map


Low-fidelity Prototype

view the prototype

Usability Study


High-fidelity prototype

Click to view


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