Assisted School Transport Program

Assisted Schools Transport Program (ASTP) is the service for over 10,500 students with disabilities who need transport assistance to and from school. The program does this by working with dedicated drivers and Assisted Transport Support Officers (ATSO's) to take care of students between pick up and drop off.

NSW Education sought to optimise the way that the ASTP operated by focussing on the user experience of drivers and parents and ASTP staff. The aim was to create an extensible and flexible app that was intuitive and valuable for drivers so that the following objectives were met - 

  • Greater visibility of the children in transit and for how long 

  • Increase transparency and communication between parents, drivers and ASTP. 

  • To understand who the driver and ATSO are on a particular run route at any time. 

  • Increase reporting capabilities to ensure runs are done efficiently and effectively. 

  • Decrease the waiting time for a driver if a child is absent from a pick-up location.

We designed user experiences (UX) for all parties. These were rapidly prototyped by our product and UX design teams and tested with drivers and ASTP staff.  

More by Alexander Caspi

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