Fell - Three Periods of Type
No. 1 of 3 quick studies I did recently about historical typefaces.
From mid-16th century until the end of the 17th, interference with printing by the British Crown thwarted the development of type founding in England—most type used by 17th-century English printers was of Dutch origin. The lack of material inspired Bishop of Oxford Doctor John Fell to purchase punches & matrices from Holland. He acquired the work of several type cutters and it is almost impossible to know the exact origin of what we now know as the “Fell types”. However the type on this page was most likely created by Christoffel van Dijck and/or Peter de Walpergen. These typefaces are available to us now because of an open-source digitisation by designer and engineer Igino Marini. http://iginomarini.com/fell/history/