Daily UI 002 - Checkout for a pottery studio
Second day of the daily UI challenge from https://www.dailyui.co/ . Stuck with the pottery studio theme (had a workshop recently 😄).
I am always annoyed when I am on the payment page and I don't have the info on what is in my cart exactly, so I paid attention to that in this exercise.
Lessons learned:
Great UI exists on a very fine line between boring and all over the place, and it's really easy to cross in either direction. Still learning on how to go faster from a standardised design to something visually interesting. Not too happy with the bottom-left block here for instance 🤷.
Waiting as long as possible to start working on visual design worked well. I first worked the copy and the information architecture in plain black and white with as few styles as possible. So IA drove the choices instead of random visual experiments.