Moh Showreel

Here's my first-ever reel... so, YAY! But wait. It only shows projects I've done in the past few years, from 2019 to 2021 to be exact. So you may wonder why should I post a reel showing my past projects! I mean, 'what's wrong with you, Moh?!' Well, let me explain a little.

Back in 2018-19, I became familiar with motion design and I can tell you that I liked it so much. However, I was struggling with other things, so I couldn't put in all the time and effort I should have to learn and progress in it. That's sad!

I continued learning and working until 2021 when I almost quit doing motion design projects and got busy doing other things.

Flash forward to late 2022, and I regretted letting go of motion design. You know, I felt the lack of it in my life somehow. That's why I'm back and promised not to let it go again! Because I strongly feel that I've found what I love to do for the rest of my life.

That's why I started publishing some projects I did in the past, making a reel out of them, and now I continue learning and doing motion design. Isn't that exciting? And you know what's even more exciting? Having your support through my journey :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to sharing more of my work with you in the future!

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