Polly Insurance Quoting App

Polly is a mobile-first, web-based car insurance comparison & purchasing tool. The primary user is someone purchasing a vehicle in an auto dealership. While finalizing the vehicle purchase, customers need to provide proof of their car insurance so this is the perfect time for Polly to incorporate their insurance quoting app into the process.

Customers can quickly compare insurance quotes from many different carriers and purchase their policy on the app or on the phone with a Polly agent.

Keep scrolling to learn more the work put into designing this app.


Polly Personas

We identified 4 persona types for Polly insurance customers. This was a collaboration between the Product Manager and Product Designer. These personas came from digging through the current Polly customer data and many, many spreadsheets.

Customer Surveys & User Tests

When I joined Polly, the quoting app already existed and the company's name was DealerPolicy. I started out by running some first impression user tests to capture the overall impression and feedback. Below is an example of one test.

Refining designs through user feedback

We run monthly user tests where we ask a user to go through the quoting app while their screen is being recorded and they provide verbal commentary.

A specific example of something we found during user testing was the treatment of a pre-selected button. After seeing 3 out of 5 users struggle with the same thing, we added it to the backlog to be addressed.

Product discovery through structured workshops

At Polly, we work remotely and we love using Miro to run organized & engaging workshops. Below is a screenshot of one of our workshops.

Brainstorming through wireframes & user flow diagrams

At Polly we use Figma & Miro to facilitate our brainstorm sessions. Below is a screenshot of a Miro board where we were working on a new concept for the quoting app. Sticky notes help each team member provide feedback & ideas on specific sections.

Presentation & Communication

Workshopping with the team is a great way to innovate and iterate, but there is also a need to communicate out and up for awareness & feedback. Below is an example of a set of wireframes shared out with the greater team.

More by Julie Toth

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