UX Bootcamp - Final Project

This is an incomplete case study documenting my final project for All Women in Tech: UX Design Program, 2023

Prompt Start with a problem that you have or that you are passionate about solving

Problem There seems to be many opportunities to participate in workshops in the Puglia, but it is very difficult to find these opportunities and to find organizations that have functioning calendars or ways to easily book online

Who People 20 and older in the Puglia region of Italy that are interested in learning new things

What They are having difficulty finding workshops, courses, and organizations that offer these types of courses 

Where Puglia, Italy

Why It is a huge missed opportunity to potentially develop a creative community, support local organizations and artists, and add an interesting resource to one of the main economies in the area; tourism


We believe that by making it easier for people in Puglia to find creative workshops, we will create opportunities for self growth, community building, and supporting local businesses and artists

Direct Competitors

C’io ma fe?

  • Variety of events/music/art/politics/etc posted multiple times a week

  • Instagram and facebook presence only

  • Occasional posts about workshops and courses in Andria

Indirect Competitors

I found two indirect competitors that offer online and in-person art workshops and courses. Both are based in the UK and each site is designed to be used by both participants and workshop hosts. Both sites are designed so that users can search by course, category, host or maker.

Research Plan

Understanding the relevance, potential usage, and demand for a creative workshop website in Puglia


Workshop leaders, artists, cultural centers, Puglia Promozione (tourism board), and potential workshop participants


Puglia is a region in the southeastern part of Italy. It is home to over 4 million inhabitants and hosted 4 million tourists in 2022. Because Puglia is so large and cities are very spread out, it is not easy to find extracurricular activities in the area. 

When I moved to the area last year, I was looking for things to do to occupy my time, meet new people, and understand the goings on in the area. I had a very difficult time finding creative spaces, arts organizations offering workshops, and extracurricular activities for adults in the area. After talking to friends, I was told that there isn’t an easy way to find out about workshops specifically - you have to know people that host workshops or follow specific places on social media that host these types of events.


  • To understand the desire of Puglians and tourists for a site that allows users to search and sign up for creative workshops in the area

  • To understand if there is a need on the workshop holder’s side for this product


  • People that say they would love to do more DIY activities would sign up for a workshop in their area

  • People want to be engaged in more creative activities

  • Tourists would be interested in incorporating workshops/courses into their vacation

  • Small businesses want help marketing their services throughout the area

  • Small business owners/volunteers/artists do not have time to develop a system for users to sign up for their courses/workshops

Research Questions

  • Are people interested in taking creative workshops in Puglia?

  • Do small businesses/artists/cultural centers need help promoting their current workshops/courses online?

  • Would an app or website designed to search and sign up for creative workshops be of interest to cities in Puglia in regards to tourism?

  • Would tourists be interested in signing up for these types of workshops while on holiday?

  • Would artists/small businesses offer more workshops if they had an easy way to promote these events?

  • What are the most popular or in demand workshops in Puglia at the moment?

Insights/How might we's/Ideations

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