Case Study | Gardening app for beginners
Nurtured by Nature | mock mobile application
Design Challenge
Beginner gardeners have a lot of trial and error that will naturally occur as they start planning and planting their crops. How might a mobile application improve access to tried and true gardening information.
Competitive Audit
To start the ideating process, I first conducted a competitive audit where I learned there are existing mobile apps in direct competition though do not provide information to users about options for gardens, and do not explain the basics about getting started.
I created paper and digital wireframes to brainstorm options to walk users through setting up their garden initially, such as selecting type of garden, identifying gardening zones to curate resources and crops, then selecting crops to include in garden to learn more about when to plant.
Usability Testing
By conducting a moderated usability study, I received feedback about the low-fidelity prototype, then distilled insights from the themes that emerged. Insights included needing a clearer tutorial to navigate the initial garden set up, users needed better cues in order to navigate between screens, and users found the search function helpful to discover resources.
High Fidelity Prototype
User insights helped inform the design changes when creating the high-fidelity prototype, such as adding banners, navigation buttons, and headings to assist the user in completing the initial task of setting up their garden page. A design system with color, typography, iconography, and logo were created for consistency throughout the application.