Meeting analytics web app UI design


App was designed to address the common problems faced by teams during meetings. These problems include difficulty in transcribing meetings, lack of clarity on who spoke the most, and difficulty in understanding the overall sentiment of the meeting. The app was developed to provide a simple and efficient solution that can help teams improve their meeting productivity and efficiency.


This is where users will find an overview of their meetings, including the number of meetings held, the average length of meetings, and the number of participants.


Users can upload recordings of previous meetings for transcription and analysis.


  • Speaker identification: Users can see who spoke the most during a meeting, and how much time they spent talking.

  • Sentiment analysis: Users can see the overall sentiment of the meeting, as well as the sentiment of individual speakers.

Team Dashboard

  • Users can manage team members and their permissions

  • Users can view transcripts and analysis of team members

  • Users can see the progress and performance of the team as a whole

More by Chandan Rajbongshi

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