My Perfect Walk

Problem Statement

It is known that currently having a dog at home can be something wonderful, but at the same time, it entails great responsibility. For dog owners, having a trusted person who can take care of their pets when they have to deal with their jobs or unforeseen events is a necessity. That is why My Perfect Walk is a project that seeks to mitigate that search process and trust in a platform that does this hard work for them, and allows them to know the details of the dog walkers to select the ones that best suit their needs.

User Research and Competitive Analysis

About 10 interviews were conducted through Google Forms, with dog owners who met the characteristics of the person defined in the UX phase. a few participants just recognize WAG as a Dog Walking platform in the market.

User Persona

Ideation and Role

My role in this project was from research, design, Prototype and Handoff.

User Flow

The idea is to focus on Dog needs and create an inbound process matching needs with subscription standardized models. 2 differents Onboarding flows, One for Dog owners and the other for Dog walkers.

Wireframes and Visual Design Approach

Design System and Components Library

Prototyping and Iteration

Follow the live interaction My Perfect Walk

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Hi! I'm Juan Pablo Toro, a Colombian Product & Digital Designer based in Brooklyn, NY,  with a strong marketing background and passion for minimalistic design. I bring ideas to life and create a compelling and aesthetically pleasing story through design systems.

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