Meal Hero

The smart new answer to "what's for dinner?"

Identity Design, Brand Systems & Guideline, Brand Platform & Positioning, Web Design, Development, Content Creation, and Copywriting

The Meal Hero app, backed by Kraft Heinz, uses AI to recommend meals and syncs with grocery delivery services to make it easy to cook dinner. After achieving product-market fit, the startup needed to communicate with home chefs, content creators, and retail partners. We reworked their visual identity to create a brand that resonates with all three, then built a website to help grow their user base.

Meal Hero’s logo is nurturing and playful, to appeal to families, as well as simple and modern, to appeal to retail and content partners. A fresh color palette sets it apart from other food apps in the market.

Familiar and familial

We wanted to explain Meal Hero’s AI technology while keeping the site’s tone accessible for families. We created inviting illustrations and icons to ensure the site stayed within users' comfort zone. These illustrations showed realistic scenes of families making food to bring home Meal Hero’s value.

"Hands down, no question about it, Seven Design is the best creative agency I’ve worked with. It was like working with an extension of my own team rather than an outside agency. They started the process by digging deep to understand our mission, company and most importantly our users. Then after rounds of iteration and feedback they produced a new brand which included a word mark, color scheme, fonts, and over 50 illustrations, as well as a full marketing website. As a designer myself, I had A LOT of feedback and they listened and delivered on it. I am so happy with the results and I know this new brand and marketing site will position Meal Hero for success well into the future.”

Mary Knight, Product Design Lead, Wellio

Branding, product + digital design

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