On-Demand - Video Streaming App

Hi there!

Are you a movie enthusiast?🎬 We have something in store for you😉

This is a design for the global LIVE streaming platform consisting of the hottest 🔥 indie animation on the web.

The shot displays👉

✨ Find new movies and TV shows with the help of a curated watchlist 

✨ Makes it easy to browse through public watchlist made by movie experts 

✨  Enables movie enthusiasts to find their favourite genre content with ease. 

The shot displays 👉

Which is your favourite series🎬? Do you track any news about what the series is about? Sometimes it's hard to gather all info.

This app will do everything for you by collecting the latest news and all the mandatory data like Directors, and producers and a short description of what the movie or series is about.

The shot displays 👉

✨This streaming app will put thousands of free streaming movies at your fingertips. The best way to catch up and download your favorite shows and movies when you're on the go!

What are your thoughts on this streaming app platform design🎥? Share your thoughts in the comments. You can also check out our recently published blog on OTT App Development

Talk to our app design and development experts to learn more about the process or 📪 Email us at: biz@apurple.co

More beautiful dribble shots are on the way, follow us for further updates!😉

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