Ticketed Web Design - 1

Hi everybody!

In this exploration, I designed a mobile page display about selling attraction tickets called Ticketed with a simple, clean and minimalist design.

Ticketed is a company that has a main focus on selling attraction tickets. Dozens of merchants have cooperated with Ticketed in purchasing tickets. Previously, ticket purchases could only be made offline, but now Ticketed has an innovation to combine offline ticket purchases into one in their application. The product team has designed it in such a way that this application can be easily accessed by the public. The concept that the product team had when creating this application was "convenience" where they wanted each user to only need to spend 15 minutes buying tickets.

Link Prototype Ticketed App: https://www.figma.com/proto/aH3nP2WM5L10FdA9M1Rn5l/UI_UX-Mock-Technical-Test?node-id=77%3A2170&scaling=contain&page-id=2%3A6&starting-point-node-id=77%3A2170

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Full process study case coming soon to my behance account!!!


Open for Freelance Work

I am available for UI/UX project, Logo Design and Simple Illustration. Need a app like this? Please DM me.


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