Responsive Web Redesign for Logan Square Preservation Society

My Role

I was contracted to redesign the existing website for Logan Square Preservation Society; a non-profit that aims to preserve and restore buildings and public spaces in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago. I worked as the Lead UX Designer for this project. I worked closely with a board member who served as the point person between the president of the board and me.


I was asked to design a less cluttered website that is more intuitive for users, especially for those lacking internet literacy. Because their average user is over 60 years old, they needed a website that anyone could use to find information easily and quickly. They needed a beautiful, decluttered website that allowed their average user, retirees over 60, to easily find information about neighborhood events, resources and the neighborhood newsletter.

Solution - A more detailed navigation bar

When browsing through the old website, I immediately noticed that many important sections were not linked to the main navigation menu. Key information was scattered throughout the site, often hidden on pages towards the bottom. So, the first thing I did was create a navigation bar including all of the sections of information found throughout the site.

Old landing page/New landing page

LSP relies on membership to increase their volunteer base, gain support for community initiatives and programs, and to share their newsletter. Previously, the only way to find information about becoming a member was to scroll down on the landing page. Because membership is a key aspect of LSP, it was clear that Become a Member should be a more visible part of the site. I chose to include a button in the website footer and design choices were made to make the section more visible by adding more contrasting elements.

The About LSP section was moved from the landing page to a section broken up into three parts; Mission, Vision & History; Leadership; and Committees. The client wanted this section to appear in the top navigation bar and to be divided into multiple sections to declutter the page and provide structure to the site.

Committees Page

A new page was created to include information about each committee. This information was previously located on the landing page. Each committee section includes the title and an expandable tab containing relevant information making the page much more concise and less cluttered.

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