HAMBURCAT—Chinese New Year(2D)
This is the ip image I designed - “hamburger cat”. The cat and the mouse ate hamburgers and french fries when their owners were not at home. Since then, their bodies can be deformed and they have the wisdom of humans. When the owner is not at home, the hamburger cat and the french fries mouse live a happy life of exploring the knowledge of human culture, while occasionally experiencing the thrill of being almost discovered by the owner.
这是我设计的 ip 形象—汉堡猫。猫和鼠趁主人不在家时分别偷吃了汉堡和薯条,从此他们身体可以变形,还拥有了人类的智慧。趁主人不在家时,汉堡猫和薯条鼠过着探索人类文化知识的快乐生活,同时偶尔也体验着差点被主人发现的惊险。
站酷上整理的这个项目: https://www.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNjM2OTI4OTI=.html
This project on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/162522041/HAMBURCAT-IP-DESIGN
和优设网合作的第6期「 轻拟物&3d插画实战特训营 」正在报名中,大家感兴趣的话可以看看~https://pro.uisdc.com/p/t_pc/course_pc_detail/column/p_63d8ecc7e4b030cacb0e6cfb?product_id=p_63d8ecc7e4b030cacb0e6cfb