Online Research Database for Publishing House

A legal publisher wants a customised research database for its own publications. It intends to expand its digital business.


Our client wants to enter the existing research market in the legal sector with its own platform. The four largest existing platforms serve as a source of inspiration and, to a large extent, as a benchmark.


When researching and analysing the existing platforms, we focus on the weak points and look for alternative solutions.

The goal is clearly to bring an independent product to the market.

We work out the requirements and the concept with stakeholder workshops and user interviews.


We define a minimal viable product with the following basic functionalities: intelligent search engine (Apache Solr), integration of all publications (digital and print) as XML data, integration online published court decisions and other legal texts (Rest API), user dashboard, paywall.


Our solution is a responsive web application. For the best user experience, it is beneficial to use the application on a desktop screen. The key element of the research database is of course the search function. There are multiple filter options to refine the results. The design is made for reading large amounts of text.

Sandra D
User Experience Designer / Senior Graphic Designer

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