Movie Theatre Mobile App / UXUI Design
The product:
This mobile app facilitate the users to Book cinema tickets and choose their favourite spot in the hall. This app will send send notifications of upcoming movies those will play in the nearby cinemas.
Target Users
The app is about booking a reservation for ticket and seat in a cinema hall. Vast majority falls in the category. Every one including young and married couples with kids, wants to pre-book their tickets.
Interviews Goals:
I want to understand if the process of booking the favourite seats is easy and doable. I would want to resolve common problems while booking the ticket. Interview will have the following demographics:
Age: 20-40 years old People ( married couples & young boys/girls who lives in metropolitan cities. Include participant from different genders
People with disabilities.
The problem:
People having difficulty booking an online ticket for movie theatre.
The goal:
To build a mobile app to resolve the user’s problem in a best way. User will be able to book his tickets/seats in a minimum steps to make his experience easier and amazing.