Mobile App Concept (Fintech)


In today’s world, it is difficult to manage your finances. Each person can have several cards of different banks and many applications on the phone, that makes it pretty complicated to analyse and manage money.

This mobile app allows you to store data from any bank and perform all necessary operations quickly and using only one application. Below you can see a concept of mobile application.

Sing up/Log in

First screens — onboarding and registration in the app. I left only one field for the convenience of the user on the first screen . It is possible to choose to register via phone, mail or social networks.

The user must enter a password according the requirements on the next step. The requirements are described below the field and interactive. If the password matches the requirements, it will be checked by green mark.

Personal Information

On the next screen the user needs to fill out their personal data. One of the first fields is the postcode, that no one remembers by heart. In this case, the user may go to the map page by tapping "I don’t know postcode" where it is possible to manually choose your home or automatically geolocation.

To help the user to enter their phone area code is filled out automatically after the data is filled below. Button "Save" is active all the time to let the user to see the blank mandatory field or error.

Home page

The functionality of the app is separated into several pages on the bottom of the screen. The user can also quickly create any payment.

There is a block with information about the balance of the user (in currency and bonus points) and connected bank cards on the page "Home". Bonuses and special promotions are below, the user can scroll through the carousel or go to a separate page. The user can check their recent payment history.

More by Hanna Krauchenia

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