Introducing Schedule Feature to WhatsApp

This PROJECT concept arose from a personal #experience when I wasn't able to post my best friend's picture at the exact time I had in mind, and I was really disappointed.

So I started brainstorming ideas, and upon doing research, I came to notice that this is a major pain point for most WhatsApp users, so I asked myself, "What if this problem can be fixed" by adding a new feature that will enable users to schedule messages and status updates.

And with that in mind, I did further research, and I spoke to fellow WhatsApp users, including #bussinessowners that run their businesses on WhatsApp, I conducted an #interview and asked open-minded questions relating to this pain point, and based on the insights I got, I created user stories, paper wireframes, a lo-fi prototype, and a working high-fidelity prototype.

I also did a mini usability test to see if the solution I am creating works with the approach I implemented.And at the end, I redesigned WhatsApp with the new feature I created in it.

Please take a few minutes to go through the presentation on Behance, and show some love, and tell me what you think.

PS: I am open for junior design roles and internships, locally or internationally

Thank you with love :)

#design #love #research #linkedin #internships #WhatsApp


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