- Dog Walking App is a fictitious dog walking application created to connect pet owners with qualified pet care professionals.  Pet owners are looking for ways to keep their animals active due to their busy schedules. 

My Responsibilities

During this project, I took on the role of a product designer. This role required me to wear many hats including user experience researcher, user experience designer, user interface designer, and tester.

Understanding the User

Competitive Analysis

User Persona

User Flow

Ideation and Wireframing

#1 Hand-Drawn Mock-Ups

#2 Low-Fidelity Wire Frames

#3 High-Fidelity

Visual Design

Colours and Typography

Buttons, Icons, and Inputs

Usability Testing

I received great feedback during testing. I heard a lot of positive feedback and received corrective critiques. All of which I plan on updating and contributing in the future.

1. Color would be a cause for concern due to insufficient contrast.

2. I would have loved to see more input interactions.

3. The transition through each screen where nice and not confusing.



I enjoyed the process. I would like to document more of the process. In the future, I will be doing a lot more user testing and understanding my target audience. I would also like to get stronger in the UI Design Process.