GBS Food Equipment Ecommerce Website

About Project

The redesign took place in 2021 of the e-commerce website for GBS, a company that sells professional food cooking equipment for restaurants in Toronto & GTA.

Objectives: To improve the user experience, increase website traffic and sales, and enhance the overall image and brand identity.

Design Process:

  • Discovery: Initial meeting with the client & project manager to understand their business, target audience, and objectives for the new website.

  • Research: Learning their marker, customer needs, competitors and potential opportunities for GBS.

  • Information Architecture: Reorganized the website's content to create a clear hierarchy and improve the user experience.

  • Wireframing: Designed wireframes to establish each page's layout and content placement.

  • Visual Design: Developed a visual design that reflects the brand, appeals to the target audience, and provides a seamless user experience.

  • Interactions & Animations: Defined the interactions and animations for the website elements to create an engaging and intuitive user experience.

  • Accessibility & Responsiveness: Ensured the website is fully responsive and accessible for all users and devices.

  • Client Validation: Obtained client approval for development.


The goal of the GBS homepage is to provide a clear and appealing first impression of the company and its offerings and to guide customers toward discovering and choosing the right professional food cooking equipment for their restaurant needs. The primary goal of the homepage is an effective introduction to the company's brand, products, and to make it easy for customers to navigate the website and find what they're looking for. By providing social proof, such as the brand the company works with, the goal is to build trust and confidence in the company and its offerings, encouraging customers to engage with the website further and make a purchase though product inquiry.

Product Category + Detail Pages

The GBS PCP aims to allow customers to easily browse and find the products they need by presenting them with clear and organized categories.

The PDP provides customers with all the information they need to make an informed purchase decision, including detailed product information, images, specifications, and customer reviews.

The goal was to make the shopping experience as simple and convenient as possible, increasing the likelihood that customers will purchase and become loyal customers.

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