Lil Mixins Email Redesign

Lil Mixins provides early immune support for mom and babies to mitigate the risk of allergies before they start. Barrel recently worked with Lil Mixins to reimagine their email marketing automation flows to deepen trust and connection with new parents looking to learn more about infant immune health.

Founded by Meenal Lele, mother of two and author of The Baby and the Biome: How the Tiny World Inside Your Child Holds the Secret to Their Health, Lil Mixins was created to build protection against common food allergens along with a baby’s first bites. 

As part of an ongoing collaboration with our longtime client Lil Mixins, Barrel reimagined existing email automation flows on Klaviyo after the release of Prenatal Probiotics & the Breast/Formula Feeding Duo. Barrel designed the emails to be a comprehensive resource hub educating consumers on the full system that Lil Mixins offers: Prenatal, Feeding, and Solids.

An important feature of the emails is to effectively educate readers on the Lil Mixins System, which starts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy followed by formula feeding, breastfeeding, and when a baby starts solid foods.

Posted on Jan 31, 2023
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