Case Study: The Flower App

Project for Google UX Design Certification: A cataloguing app for florists

The Product: A mobile app that allows users to digitally catalogue and share detailed info on flowers and plants

Project Duration: July 2022 - September 2022

My Role: Lead UX Designer

Responsibilities: User research, mockups, wireframes, prototyping, user testing

The Problem: There is no simple, digital way for florists to document and share info about specific flowers and plants. Paper cataloguing systems are complex and take up a lot of space - space that is valuable to any small business

The Goal: Our app will allow users to digitally store and search for info about plants which will affect professional florists and plant enthusiasts by saving physical space in their office or home

After I was given my prompt, I was told to create two personas; one for a florist, and one for a hobbyist. I created both personas while thinking of the most average persona I could think of. I kept in mind that my personas should be descriptive and realistic but not real. With these two personas, I would create user stories, user journeys, task flows, and storyboards.

User journey - the journey your persona (average journey) would normally take to complete a task or solve a need. It begins before opening the app/using the product. A visual tool that helps everyone in the company understand the journey the user goes through. Various stages - gets acquanited with the product (radio commercial, tv, etc), exploration, google, reads reviews, browses website,

Big Picture & Close-up Storyboards

Accessibility Considerations

Lo-Fi Mockups and Wireframes

Hi-Fi Mockups

What I learned

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