BuddyBuddy - a product design case study

Design Brief

BuddyBuddy is a mobile app that aims to provide pet owners with an array of commonly sought out services. The app serves as a convenient one-stop shop for those looking to give or receive pet-centric services.

Problem Statement

With people returning to work, the market has seen an increased demand for convenient, reliable, and affordable pet care. To address this many pet care apps and services have come to the space, but many pet owners are finding the offerings lacking. BuddyBuddy sets out to change that.

User Research

Before beginning to develop a solution, it was key to fully understand the problem, and those experiencing it. To shine a light on pain points, a small sample population was surveyed to better understand what a potential solution could look like. In general, those interviewed expressed a want of trust, reliability, security, and fair pricing.

This user persona serves to provide us with a glimpse at what the ‘general public’ may be looking for in an app-based solution for their pet care needs.

User Onboarding Flow

With a simple onboarding flow that allows users to check services as a guest, BuddyBuddy aims to win users over before they even make an account.

Visual Style

The visual style of BuddyBuddy relies upon clean and simple text instead of iconography and illustration to allow users to find what they need with minimal distraction.

I sought to make the app feel modern, minimal, and fun. Hopefully, some of that came through.

Prototyping and Iterating

Although time was limited, I was fortunate enough to have a few people play with a simple prototype (linked below), offering fresh perspectives and illuminating areas of possible improvement. a few of those improvements made it to a the prototypes here, and many more changes will hopefully be coming soon.


BuddyBuddy was intended solely to be a learning exercise - and it achieved that mission to an incredible extent. I would like to spend more time in Figma playing and learning how to further utilize it as a powerful tool in my kit.

Posted on Jan 22, 2023