Multi-tab bottom sheet

Who doesn't like when needs/requirements/feasibility/scope evolve and everything you've done so far is being challenged? Designers' life would be boring if we got all the details upfront and that was it πŸ˜…

Below is a bottom sheet element that allows the user to quickly access all sorts of data points to investigate incidents. It was well received and life was good, until you learn that now you've delivered on this thing, there's a list of new learnings and requests. Fun times!

Some of those were:

  • the need to view multiple items associated with each other (e.g. one merchant and a bunch of cards). Jumping from one bottom sheet to another was far from ideal, as we learned...

  • ability to 'put aside' particular item, but in a way it would be easy to retrieve.

  • And the classic - the need for more details to be shown in some tables

The main goal was to avoid horizontal scroll and apply some sort of progressive disclosure so we don't pollute (more than we really have to) already a pretty data heavy interface.

So 378 iterations later we go to the bottom sheet v.2 πŸŽ‰

Below I marked a bunch of changes/add-ons to the bottom sheet:

1. We did a multi-tab view, where user can open new items, which would turn into tabs within the same sheet - the relation between the items is preserved. E.g. If you click/tap one of the merchants, it opens as a new tab

2. An option to minimize the whole element that would sit in bottom-right of the viewport until it's needed again

3. The additional data ended up being hidden from 'top-view', but is available with one click/tap (we're still not sure if all/most users would really need it)

4. For those who see additional data points as high priority, they can expand all rows (one by one or 'all in one batch') and the system will respect and remember that choice for future sessions

5. And finally squeezed in the catch-all 'Other' for filtering those added details

Is it the best usability in the world? Of course it's not, but you gotta compromise. We'll keep on tweaking the darn thing, and maybe some of that tweaking, at some point, instead of adding more stuff, will turn into taking things out πŸ‘€

If the bottom sheet isn't overwhelming yet, I think we got dangerously close to that point so 🀞🏻 there's no more additional data coming (naive, I know...)


Feedback, especially negative, always welcome!

Peter Grochowski
I make rectangles for a living πŸ–ŠοΈ

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