Google UX Design Certificate: A kid's nutritional app

The Product: A fictional app and responsive website for a cross platform nutritional app for kids

Project Duration: December 2022 - January 2023

My Role: Lead UX Designer in charge of research, mockups, wireframes, prototypes and user testing

The Problem: There are many apps and websites that teach kids about nutrition but they do not offer a well-rounded product that can hold the attention of children and gain the support of parents & guardians

The Goal: Allow kids to easily interact with a positive, engaging form of media that teaches them about food and nutrition that their parents can also use in order to improve their eating habits

User Task Flow

Task Flow

Paper wireframes - Crazy 8's flow

Paper wireframes --> Lo-Fi wireframes on figma

Mockups & Wireframes

UX Research Study Plan

Research Study Notes

Affinity Diagram

Responsive Web Design


Humans start to build eating habits, good and bad, during childhood. It is so much easier to learn how to eat healthy than to try to fix bad eating habits as an adult. If we can teach our kids the importance of eating healthy and exercising at a young age, we can prevent health risks they may otherwise suffer as they get older. Eating healthy should be fun and everyone should have equal access to nutrition information, and fresh food. Let’s help make our world healthier by making nutrition fun and exciting. 

What I learned

I learned a lot during this project. This is my first project that incorporates other platforms and I had a lot of fun imagining how this app and website could help solve the problem of bad nutritional habits that cause all sorts of problems. As in other projects, the most useful component of going through this process of designing a kid’s nutritional app from start to finish, was the ideation and research phase. I love to come up with many ideas at the beginning and slowly pick out options that work to solve the problem I am trying to solve. Interviewing target users helps so much to better understand how the app should function and what real problems users may have. I do not feel finished with the project however, I feel that I am in a good place to reiterate on my designs and have a good base to work with.


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