App Feature | Auchie - Auchan's Virtual Kitchen Assistant


Based on a strategy of getting closer to its customers, Auchan wanted to add value and help them in their daily lives. An opportunity was identified through the creation of a new app feature: a virtual kitchen assistant. This feature brings together the best recipes, tips and suggestions, adapted to each user, their preferences and lifestyle.


- Improve the experience and the relationship with customers.

- Increase user traffic on the app and website.

- Design of a product aimed at individual needs.


Creation of a “humanized” feature through Auchan's friendly mascot, Auchie, who guides and helps the user in their decision-making.

Implementation of several categories, filtering and display modes, so that the content becomes as personalised as possible.


Briefing / Research / Brainstorming / Benchmark / Interviews / Personas / Task Flow / User Tests / Wireframes / Visual Design / UI Kit / Prototype

Onboarding ⌃

Preferences choosing.

Feed ⌃

Auchie's moods ⌃

Filters + Results ⌃

Recipe + Button to select favourite view ⌃

Watch recipe video ⌃

1 - Voice Commands

2 - Recipe step by step

3 - Rating

Website ⌃

The Auchan community can upload their own recipes at the site.

After they reach a certain number of votes, they will appear in the app.


Strategy + UX/UI Design: Andreia Cruz + António Calvão + Sofia Grilo + Susana Martins


More by Susana Martins

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