Landing Page | IST MEST


After a few semesters on hold, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico decided to bring back the Master in Transport Systems, by lauching a communication campaign.

The client requested a vibrant and dynamic look and feel, with the idea of movement in mind.


- Attract and convert new students to attend the master's degree.


A communication campaign on several touchpoints (offline + online).

I was responsible for translating the key visual concept into a Landing Page.


Briefing / Benchmark / Strategy + Copywriting + Graphic Design / UX/UI Design / Development

Wireframes Mobile x Desktop ⌃

Form ⌃

Desktop view ⌃

Team [Agencies: By + Performance Sales]

New Business: Vânia Furtado

Project Management: Margarida Pereira

Creative Direction: Carlos Pontes

Graphic Design: Marta Rodrigues

Strategy/Copywriting: André Ferreira

UX/UI Design: Susana Martins

Frontend Development: Felipe Ambrosio


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