International Talent Recruitment Startup

The Project

A business partner approached me to collaborate on a new leadership and recruitment startup named Gilder. I love the passion for helping millions of Filipino find their next opportunity, so I'm happy to help build their fun and engaging site from the ground up.

Definition & Action

We got to work organizing Gilder’s brand assets, framing the direction, planning the experience, and outlining the content approach for the site. Next, we confirmed the information on these items with the client and proceeded with the site’s wireframing process.

Inspired by the playfulness nature of the brand, we set out to incorporate as many of the unique creative elements as we felt were necessary. Details like the use of circles and round edges remained consistent throughout the design. Furthermore, items, buttons, and interest forms kept this individual shape in mind with bubbly call-to-actions and playful upward animations.

The client was happy with the design rendering (static) mock-up, so to continue moving the project forward, we finalized the site’s development within Webflow. Finally, we ensured all breakpoints and mobile, and tablet screen sizes functioned properly before sending the test link for the client’s review!

Will Breen
Renewable Energy Product Designer in Raleigh, NC

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