Streaming Service App


I set out to create a streaming service with three key objectives in mind;

  • enable users to switch profiles in fewer than six steps

  • provide a confirmation screen after profile switching

  • make a visual distinction between the user interfaces of kid and adult profiles

I had to ensure that kids could easily transition from someone else's profile to their own in order to access family-friendly content.

My Role

I was responsible for designing user flows, wireframes, and high fidelity prototypes that adhered to the above objectives and the needs of the target audience.

User Flow

While crafting the user flow, it was essential to consider both adults and kids as users. The challenge was to enable switching between profiles in less than six actions.


I took a thoughtful approach to brainstorming ways to differentiate the two profile types while keeping the screens simple and engaging. My goal was to give users an easy and enjoyable way to quickly switch profiles and start watching their favorite shows.

Visual Design

This stage was integral in establishing visual distinctions between the user profiles. For the children's profile, I focused on simplicity since, unlike adults, kids won't be reading movie descriptions, ratings, genres, etc. I opted for a bright background to facilitate quick recognition for parents from afar. Additionally, incorporating movie characters makes it more intuitive for kids to identify their favorite characters and quickly start watching them. The adult profile, on the other hand, is dark-themed to register maturity, extra content is provided as well .

Final Screens


Constructing this streaming service pushed me outside of my comfort zone and was a challenge, as services like Disney Plus and Netflix already excel in creating user interfaces with fewer than six actions necessary to switch profiles. I worked to focus more on the UI aspects of the project and utilized the library provided for colors, icons, and typography. I enjoyed the challenge this project presented and am grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my skills.


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