Taggr App released!
Hi everyone,
Today we released Taggr app (free) for photography lover iOS users :)
You can visit the website at taggrapp com and
Download free from App Store
It is a product we created in response to the needs of our users. The new version of Tripstr (still beta) relies heavily on your photos being geotagged, and we found that a lot of our users (many of which are photographers) had a need for a simple, free geotagger. Specifically, one that could handle geotagging multiple photos at a time, as well as geotagging video.
We originally baked the functionality into Tripstr but realized it would be handy as a standalone product!
btw, we are about to push an update with some UX/UI improvements. Feel free to give us your feedback, so that we can try to push with the first update :)