Venue Performance
Hi All,
I'm very excited to put my first shot on Dribbble!
I was hired by Time Out magazine last year to create this web app for them, where the intended users are venue owners such as bars, restaurants and live music venues across London.
Dubbed as "Premium Profiles", the app is completed. It was designed and developed by myself in-house and rolled out in London at the end of last year with a Parisian launch shortly after that.
Specifically, this is the "Performance" page where venue owners can see their Profile Views and Paid Impressions. The user can switch between months, weeks and days, change the date range and more. It is also responsive for mobile.
The app was built in HTML5/Javascript within the AngularJs framework. The charts were built using Highcharts. The blur image effect is done automagically by taking the image from the venues' gallery and then manipulated with the HTML5 Canvas API.